Welcome to the Atlas Support Site

Atlas is the amazing new knowledgebase and community support system from Countersoft. If a question needs an answer and an answer needs a home then Atlas is where it lives. With unique Relevant Replies and lighting fast Tag and Text Filter, knowledge is at your fingertips.

How to Use Windows Live Writer with Atlas


Windows Live Writer (WLW) makes it easy for anyone to publish and maintain FAQ and Documentation stored in Atlas. WLW provides a Microsoft Word-like rich editing experience right from your Windows Desktop. It’s free and you can download WLW from here: http://explore.live.com/windows-live-write

Add New Account

In WLW add a new blog account and select “Other services” option:



Provide the URL to your Atlas installation and specify your email address and Atlas API key. You can find your API key from the Profile page when you log into Atlas . It’s advisable to select the “Remember my password” option.



Now specify the type the blog by selecting the “Metaweblog API” option. The “Remote Posting Web address” option should be set as follows depending upon if you want to manage Atlas FAQS or DOCS in WLW:

  • FAQs – http://your-atlas-url.com/meta-faqs.ashx
  • Docs – http://your-atlas-url.com/meta-docs.ashx
  • Blogs – http://your-atlas-url.com/meta-blogs.ashx

If you want to manage both content types in WLW then just setup two blog accounts – one for each type.



When prompted, do not download the blog theme.



Finally, you will see a confirmation dialog once WLW has configured access to your Atlas instance.



You can now push and pull content from Atlas right into WLW. (In fact this FAQ was written in WLW!)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 8:32:52 PM