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How about adding the reply answer to emails that are sent back..


Nice to have the answer in your email so you don't have to open the browser to look at the answer. More of a pain when you get it via mobile email.

I would also suggest a link to directly mark the answer as "Answered" or "Helpful".


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Brian Russell
· 1
Brian Russell
Replies (2)
not helpful

Yes, good idea, feel free to add it to the list: http://gemini.countersoft.com that way you will be kept updated regarding progress.

Saar Cohen
· 250
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Will do. Also, this is another example of a non-unified approach to support if I have to login to a separate system to submit a new feature. as I explained in this question...http://support.atlasanswer.com/questions/40/seems-like-there-should-be-another-category-for-submitting-an-issue-or-a-feature-request


Brian Russell
· 1
Brian Russell