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Atlas is the amazing new knowledgebase and community support system from Countersoft. If a question needs an answer and an answer needs a home then Atlas is where it lives. With unique Relevant Replies and lighting fast Tag and Text Filter, knowledge is at your fingertips.

Index Setting up tags
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 5      Administering Atlas
 5.1        General Settings
 5.2        Setting up tags
 5.3        Managing Users
 5.4        Integrating with Email
 5.5        Integrating with Gemini Issue Tracker
 5.6        Viewing System Logs
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Setting up tags


Setting up tags

All Questions, FAQs, Docs and Videos in Atlas must be associated with at least one tag. To guarantee quality and consistency, the list of tags must be pre-populated by one or more administrators. Countersoft recommend that tags are lowercase and where two words are required to give the tag its correct meaning that those words are hyphenated e.g. “exchange-rate”.

Creating tags

Tags are created in the Site Administration section of the Atlas installation. The process is simply one of entering the name of a tag and adding it to the database. The icons to the left of the tag name allow the user to edit the tag or to delete it.

Administrators must create all tags that are to be used in the system since non-administrative users cannot create new tags and can only choose from the existing list.

Tags can be hierarchical but may only be nested to a single level to avoid unecessary complication. To create a parent/child relationship between tags simply create the parent and child tags, edit the child tags and specify in the editing window the tag that is to be the parent.

Fig 1.0 Tag editing window showing the selection of overview as the parent of the config tag

When creating tags administrators should consider the terminology that subject matter experts would use in the product, service or knowledge area that Atlas is being implemented to support and the degree of context granularity that is required. For example, if Atlas is being used to support a Financials application or user base, should there be a tag labelled "taxes" that covers all taxes, should there instead be more granular tags such as "vat", "corporate-tax","witholding tax", or should both general and specific tags be used such that "vat", "corporate-tax" and "witholding tax" are child tags of the parent tag "taxes"?


Deleting tags

If a tag is deleted then Atlas will prompt for a replacement tag for any content that might already be associated with the tag. Upon confirmation of the deletion, Atlas will then replace the deleted tag with its replacement. This action prevents data integrity errors where and administrator might be unaware that content exists that is associated with a tag that has been deleted.

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