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Welcome to the Atlas Support Site

Atlas is the amazing new knowledgebase and community support system from Countersoft. If a question needs an answer and an answer needs a home then Atlas is where it lives. With unique Relevant Replies and lighting fast Tag and Text Filter, knowledge is at your fingertips.

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Content types

Atlas has 4 sections dedicated to the following content types: Questions, FAQs, Docs and Videos as well as a link to the community forum indicated by the "ask your question" hyperlink. Clicking on the label of each type takes the user to a page dedicated to that content type.


Tagging in Atlas

Directly below the content type labels are a list of tags. The list that is displayed is not necessarily exhaustive as tags are only shown if there is content associated with them. However, when looking at any of the content type pages, users will see all of the tags that are associated with at least one item of any content type. For example, if a FAQ is associated with a tag “sql-server” then that tag will be shown under the Questions tab even if there are no questions associated with that tag and only FAQs, Docs or Videos.

Filtering in Atlas

Clicking on a tag in Atlas selects that tag as a filter and only content associated with the selected tag will be shown, irrespective of content type. Once a tag has been selected it remains effective as a filter until it is deselected by clicking on it again. Selected tags are always highlighted. Tags that are operating as filters are highlighted (default colour setting is orange).


Tag filtering in Atlas is cumulative. Clicking on tag “admin” and tag “install” will only show content tagged with BOTH “admin” and “install”.

Searching in Atlas

When you enter a search string in Atlas the system matches both the title and the description of any Question but only the title of any FAQ, Doc or Video in the system. The search text remains in effect until cleared by the user and as with the tags the search term applies across all content types.

Bookmarking in Atlas

By clicking on the bookmark icon next to any content, of any type, users can add a direct reference to that precise piece of content to their bookmarks. The list of bookmarks is shown whenever the user hovers over the favorites icon , situated next to their user name at the top of the screen.


Following Topics

By clicking on the Follow label follow.JPG next to any question, users can elect to be notified of any responses or comments that are subsequently added to the question. Notification will be via email through the email address attached to the user profile. The email will contain a link back to the question and its responses.

Subscribing to updates

Atlas integrates with any standard RSS reader and users of the system can elect to receive feeds from the system by clicking on the feed link at the top of the page.
