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Atlas is the amazing new knowledgebase and community support system from Countersoft. If a question needs an answer and an answer needs a home then Atlas is where it lives. With unique Relevant Replies and lighting fast Tag and Text Filter, knowledge is at your fingertips.

Index Managing Users
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 5      Administering Atlas
 5.1        General Settings
 5.2        Setting up tags
 5.3        Managing Users
 5.4        Integrating with Email
 5.5        Integrating with Gemini Issue Tracker
 5.6        Viewing System Logs
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Managing Users


Managing Users

Managing users in Atlas is a straightforward process. If the administrative General Setting allows 'Regular users' then users can self-register for access to Atlas and if “New users require email confirmation” is set then users who self register will receive an email containing a link back to Atlas that will a) authenticate their email address and b) allow them limited access to the system.. 

Atlas also supports authentication with OpenId, Google, Yahoo! or Facebook Ids, which can be controlled in the General Settings.

By default all authenticated users can ask questions, respond to questions, view and print FAQs, documents and videos.


User Settings

To manage user access to the system, administrators need to navigate to the site administration section and click on the "Users" {small image of the Users link} link. Administrators can set the following options:

The user name (recommend that this is a valid email address to guarantee uniqueness)

The Display name (How the user will be represented next to any content that the user creates)

Email Address

The OpenID link (only experienced technical users should attempt to work with this field)

The user password

And the following flags:

Whether the user is Active

Whether the user is an administrator of this Atlas instance

Whether the user can Manage Questions

Whether the user can Manage FAQs

Whether the user can Manage Documentation

Whether the user can Manage Videos


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