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Atlas is the amazing new knowledgebase and community support system from Countersoft. If a question needs an answer and an answer needs a home then Atlas is where it lives. With unique Relevant Replies and lighting fast Tag and Text Filter, knowledge is at your fingertips.

Index Integrating with Email
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 5      Administering Atlas
 5.1        General Settings
 5.2        Setting up tags
 5.3        Managing Users
 5.4        Integrating with Email
 5.5        Integrating with Gemini Issue Tracker
 5.6        Viewing System Logs
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Integrating with Email


Atlas communicates with administrators and users through email. To enable email integration, an Atlas Administrator must navigate to the Site Administration section and click on the "Email Link". Email integration can be switched on of off very simply using the "Enable Emails" checkbox.

The following settings are usually all that is required to configure Atlas for email communication:

The name of the SMTP server

The port to use (normally 25)

The SMTP Username if one is required

The SMTP User Password if one is required

The from email address (the email address of the main site administrator)

The from display name

Other settings require a detailed technical knowledge of SMTP protocol and the precise configurations of your network.

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